Saturday 12 January 2008

Chicago Based Photographer 'Bristles' Marmalord.

'Chicagoland' based professional photographer and serial blogger Marianne Drenthe (A.K.A. Mare) has gone head to head with the Marmalord in cyber-space.

The war of words started in December last year when our fearless leader took Mare to task over her continued use of the word Marmaland on the blog section of her site.

Despite failing to approve/publish his drunken comments, on the 17th December Marianne who runs the web site responded by saying...

"Some goof from the UK is harassing me a bit about use of Marmaland as a word. Apparently he is a curator for the Museum of Marmalade and dresses up in superhero costumes denouncing some weirdness with evil lemon curds. I so totally *know* I sound like I fell down the rabbit hole right now but I swear there is no recreational drug usage going on!"

To be fair, she did also link directly here to Marmaland and I know from emails that I recieved at least two people have found my site this way. On reflection, the way I see it she is simply helping build the brand.

Mare also agrees that there is no place for Marmite in the sandwiches of Paddington - so on balance the Marmalord has decided to let this one go for now.

With Michael Cain joining the Ad Agency behind the Marmite fiasco on the Marmaland hit list, and with the ongoing war against the Evil Lemon Curds - I think you will agree - we have bigger fish to fry.

You can see Marianne's full entry against December 17th on the blog section of her site, she seems pretty handy with a camera too - so if you happen to be in Illinois and need a photographer...................................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How gracious of you to be unbristled. I truly appreciate your candor AND your sense of humor about it all.


Thank you for the kind words Marmalord. The evil lemon curds WILL be beaten down.
