Marusan approached by email could this be worth $5,600,000????........
Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 08:06:17 +0000
From The Desk Of Mr Mohammed.
Bill And Exchange Manager
Bank Of Africa Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso.
Tel. 00226 **********.
Dear Friend,
I am the manager of bill and exchange at the foreign remittance department of BANK OF AFRICA.I am writting to seek your coperation over this business deal.In my department, I discovered an abandoned sum of $14million USD (Fourtheen Million United States Dollars) only, in an acount that belongs to one of our foreign customers who died along with his entire family in a plane crash that took place in Kenya,East Africa,the Late DR. GEORGE BRUMLEY,a citizen of Atlanta, United States of America but naturalised in Burkinafaso, West Africa and contractor with ECOWAS,(ECONOMIC COMMUNITY OF WEST AFRICAN STATES) . Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because it cannot be releasedunless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased asindicated in our banking guidelines but unfortunately, all his supposed next of kin or relation died alongside with him at the plane crashleaving nobody behind for the claim. It is therefore upon this discovery that Inow decided to make this businness proposal to you and release the money to you via your foreign bank account as the next of kin or relation to thedeceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and this money Could go into the Bank treasury as unclaimed Bill. The Banking law and guideline here stipulate that if such money remained unclaimed after 7 years, the money will be transfered into the Bank's treasury as unclaimed fund.The request for your assistance and maximumco-operation as a foreign citizen to stand as the next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the deceased customer was aforeigner and a Burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner.
40 % of this money will be for you as my foreign partner,in respect tothe provision of a foreign account. 5 % will be set aside for expencesincured during the business and 55 % would be for me.There after I will comeover to your country for disbursement accoding the percentages indicated.Therefore to enable the immediate trnansfer of this fund to you as arranged,you must apply first to the bank as the relation or next of kin to the deceased,indicating your claims and wherein the money will be remitted.Upon receipt of your reply, I will send to you by fax or email the text of application which you will fill and forward to the office of the foreign remittance director of the bank of africa. I will not fail to bring to your notice that this transaction is strictly confidential and i will use my position in this Bank to effect a hitch free transfer of the fund. You should contact me immediately as soon as you receive this letter on phone number: 00226 7805 4754. Trusting to hear from you immediately.
Yours Faithfully,
Ibrahim Mohammed.
Marusans response to Ibrahim...................Date: Sun, 22 Mar 2009 19:51:26 +0000
From The Desk of Marusan Mu Chicki Chicki
Psychic Marmalade Jar Reader Marmaland
Dear Friend,
Thank you for reaching out to me in these truly interesting times.
With the Late Dr Brumleys ECOWAS background and your location in Ouagadougou-Burkina Faso, I can see immediately why you would hand select me - Marusan Mu Chicki Chicki for an approach of this kind.
As you will know, several of my colleagues are of Burkinabe origin. It would be fair to say that they have been some of the best workers here in Marmaland. Most joined us in the late 1990's when after political lobbying, Robertson's made mass redundancies from a special wing of their marketing department.
Despite my unusual name I am a British citizen hailing from Bury St Edmonds. And the one thing in life that you can be absolutely sure of, is my maximum co-operation in this matter - your 40% offer is more than generous (to be honest you had me from 'Dear Friend').
Email me the text of application as soon as very possible, I will fill this in with all of my personal details and send it straight to the foreign remittance director for the Bank of Africa.
As soon as I have done this I will call you to finalise the arrangements.
Many thanks for contacting me - you chose wisely
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