Blog entry by Marmalord
marmalord@marmaland.comYes, it is my sad duty to inform that the lady behind the PR for World’s Annual Marmalade Festival has (again) totally ignored interest from Mr Jones the Curator of Marmaland.
You would think that the organisers of Marmalade festival would be pleased to receive interest from the World’s only Museum of Marmalade, especially when we were expressing an interest in supporting the event and travelling over 300 miles to attend (dates 7-10 Feb).
But was owner of DaleMain House, Jane Hasell-McCosh pleased?
For the second year running not only did she fail to identify the potential for us to help promote her event, she didn’t even acknowledge our correspondence.
Mr Jones said, “This event, in its second year will again be a less colourful and interesting occasion than it could have potentially been. Ms McCosh’s failure to embrace our organisation, or to even have the common decency to respond to us, shows what a rude and short-sighted PR strategy she has. In fact I suspect that PR in her case stands for Particularly Rude rather than Public Relations.
When you consider how welcome the Marmalord and his side-kick were made at the National Honey Show earlier in the year, this is all the more sickening.”
Jones refers to our visit earlier in the year to the National Honey Show, when the Honey loving and Bee Keeping communities gave us a terrific welcome. While it is after the event a full report and pictures will follow.
Meanwhile Ms McCosh will have to wait and see if I sabotage her event (they won’t see me coming).
Marmalade Festival – My arse.
Email your thoughts to McCosh on