Thursday, 15 February 2007

Exciting News - World's First Festival of Marmalade

It seems that this weekend will see the worlds first Festival of Marmalade...

Sunday 18th February 2007 is the date, and Dalemain Historic House & Gardens is the venue.

Question: Whats going on at this Marmalade Festival then?

Answer: A food fair, cooking demonstrations, a marmalade making competition and c'elebrity marmalade'.

'Celebrity Marmalade'! All of a sudden a fairly obvious list of activities is joined by a far more exciting cousin...... What on earth is celebrity marmalade all about?
Can we cover 'D list celebs' in sticky orange marmalade and watch them eat it off of each other in the quickest possible time?

No, sadly its just a chance to see International fashion and portrait photographer John Swannell make some marmalade - disappointing. (that's John in the picture above preparing to go into his marmalade making frenzy) .

The Marmalord contacted the people behind the festival to find out a little more, but his email was ignored by the organisers.

For more information visit……………

Marmalord Spotted at London Bike Show..

On Thursday the 4th Feb 2007, despite the ongoing war with the 'Lemon Curds' our fearless leader 'the Marmalord' found time to visit a London based motorcycle show.

Seen here (looking slightly camp) on an orange Harley Davidson, you would be forgiven for thinking that the February outing was purely a pleasure trip. However there was a serious issue to deal with, battlefield rumours had led the Marmalord to believe that the Lemon Curds had recruited a team to implement an evil kidnap plot.

Going under the name of KTM (believed to stand for... Kidnap The Marmalord) these people were thought to represent a real threat to Marmaland. I can however report that following the Marmalord's interrogation of the KTM operation minds can be put at rest.

It turns out that KTM actually make rather foxy orange and black motorcycles, the KTM stands for Kronreif Trunkenpolz Mattighofen, and as you can see from the top picture, these KTM people are a harmless bunch.